Most taxpayers lose at least $1,000. annually by not knowing what they are entitled
to claim. You can go back 3 years to amend your return (example: 2014 tx 2011) redo. Non Reimbursed Employee Expenses, Gifts, Supplies, Travel, Meals, Education, Meetings.
Mortgage Interest, Taxes & PMI (Insurance). When buying or refinancing a home or
property the prepaid items to set up the loan are not credited on your year-end statement
for taxes, mortgage & insurance. Donations to charity are worth $350 - $400 dollars per
bag (lg) Its the value of the donation not what the items sell for.Medical - SS withheld,
W2 withheld co Pays – per scriptions, over counter drugs, insurance, supplies, travel, diets,
stop smoking, meetings, appointments. 2014 Mileage Rates
Business 57.5, Medical & Moving 23 & Charity 14 cents.
Teachers - $250 (above the line deduction on 1040) Plus any other expenses, Gifts,
Meetings, Supplies, Travel, Education, Seminars, Meals. Personal Business – No
certificate is required, deductions are everything and anything.Other Job Expenses - 2nd
job or job search, parking, tolls, supplies, resumes, food, etc.. Contributions without
- $500 Church, Etc. $500 Salvation Army, Goodwill, Etc.. My objective is to
assure you get the best possible return to
which you are entitled. I am looking forward to handling all your tax needs.